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An event
Rome, 30-31 may 2008


Rome, May 30, 2008

09.30 Registration
10.00 Opening Mr. Massimo Goldoni
President UNACOMA
10.10 Mr. Adolfo Urso, Secretary of State Italian Ministry of Economic Development
10.25 Mr. Geoffrey C. Mrema - Director Rural Infrastructure and Agro-Industries
Division FAO Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations
10.45 Europe – Mr. Federico Corradini - President CEMA
European Committee of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers Associations
11.15 Coffee break
11.30 Russia – Mr. Konstantin Babkin - President SOYUZAGROMASH
The Russian Union of Manufacturers of Agricultural Machinery and Farming Equipment
12.00 Usa – Mr. Rusty Fowler - Member of the Agricultural Executive Committee at AEM
Association of Equipment Manufacturers
12.30 Cina – Mr. Hong Xian Guo - President CAAMM
China Association of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers
13.00 Lunch
14.30 India – Mr. Amit Mitra - Secretary General FICCI
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
15.00 Brasil – Mrs. Alida Fleury Bellandi, Member of the Board ABIMAQ Brazilian Machinery and Equipment Industry Association and Mr. Luiz Carlos Corrêa Carvalho, Vice President ABAG Brazilian Association of Agrobusiness
15.30 Egypt – Mr. Amr Abou Frekha, Deputy Chairman Tanta Motors and Board Member Agriculture Modernization Comity, Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation of Egypt
16.00 Mr. Marco Cimini - Director Internationalization Development Dept. ICE
Italian Trade Commissioner
16.30 Debate
17.00 Closing session


Rome, May 31, 2008

09.30 Registration
10.00 Opening Minister Giorgio Starace, Diplomatic Advisor to the Italian Ministry of Agriculture

Roundtable on “Agriculture in 2020“ with:

  • Poul Skytte Christoffersen,
    Head of Cabinet of the European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development
  • Nikolay Sorokin,
    Deputy Head of Science and Technology Department of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture
  • Bruce Knight,
    Under Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • R. Parasuram,
    Minister Agriculture Embassy of India, Rome
  • Manuel Bertone,
    Secretary of Production and Agroenergy of the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture
  • Ahmed El Behery,
    Chief Researcher, Agricultural Engineering Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation of Egypt
12.30 Conclusion by Massimo Goldoni, President Unacoma
13.00 Lunch with Emma Marcegaglia, President Confindustria

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